01 Jul, 2024
9 mins read

Secure coding practices in C

Address security vulnerabilities in C programming by delving into secure coding practices, memory safety, input validation, and preventing common security pitfalls. Secure coding practices in C are essential to address security vulnerabilities and prevent malicious attacks in software applications. This involves techniques to ensure memory safety, validate input properly, and avoid common security pitfalls. Let’s […]

1 min read

Concurrency and Parallelism in C

Explore techniques and libraries for achieving concurrency and parallelism in C programming, including multi-threading, synchronization, and parallel processing. Concurrency and parallelism are essential concepts in modern programming to harness the full potential of multi-core processors and improve the efficiency of software applications. In this explanation, we will delve into the techniques and libraries available in […]

15 mins read

Exploring Modern Data Structures in C

Discuss the implementation and applications of advanced data structures like self-balancing trees, skip lists, and trie structures in the context of C programming. 1. Self-Balancing Trees: Self-balancing trees are a type of binary search tree (BST) data structure that automatically maintains a balanced structure during insertions and deletions of elements. The primary goal of self-balancing […]